Financing your LaserKube X

NWS LASER offers you solutions for purchasing your LaserKube X

Preserve your debt capacity
with banks


Own your Laserkube today

  • Regular repayments over a given period
  • Financing with no downpayment
  • Attractive cost

Your LaserKube machine delivered to you
for €199 excl. tax per month*.


Rent out your LaserKube while retaining ownership rights

  • Reimbursements tailored to your needs.
  • A higher first rent to optimize your tax situation.
  • VAT payments are spread over the financing period.

Rents are deducted from
your taxable income.


Rent your LaserKube and control your running costs

  • Stable rent expensed.
  • Regular renewal of your machine.
  • Your financing capacity preserved.
LaserKube - ready-to-use laser marking machine manufactured by NWS Laser in France

*Example ofa lease for your LaserKube X:

An initial rent of 2490 € HT
+ 60 monthly rents of 199 € HT

The arrangements and services proposed in this section are aimed exclusively at French companies, subject to acceptance by our financial partner.

If you are a European company outside France and would like more information, please contact us.

Contact our team by filling in this form: